Figure 10.
Phantom heating spatial profiles. (a) 3D SoS EPI and 2DFT peak heat temperature maps parallel to the ultrasound beam, which propagates in the vertical dimension. 3D SoS EPI maps are shown before and after CS correction, which is applied in the EPI phase-encode/vertical dimension. Temperature maps were cropped to display the central 5.4 cm × 2.3 cm FOV. The encoding directions for each pulse sequence are labeled and were chosen so that chemical shift artifacts accrued in the same direction in both scans (parallel to ultrasound beam propagation). (b) Heating profiles at peak heat in the center of the hot spot, parallel (‖) and perpendicular (⊥) to ultrasound propagation. CS correction shifted the 3D SoS EPI temperature profile by approximately one pixel (1.5 mm) in the parallel dimension.