Odds ratios (95% CIs) per IQR (1.7 μg/m3) increase in PM2·5 estimated by BDLIM demonstrating the relationship of prenatal stress with children’s asthma diagnosed by age 6 years. Models were adjusted for maternal age, race/ethnicity, education, pre-pregnancy obesity, and prenatal/postnatal smoking and child sex. The x-axis demarcates the gestational age in weeks. The y-axis represents the odds ratio (OR) of developing asthma by age 6 years of age in relation to an IQR (1.7 μg/m3) increase in PM2.5 exposure, assuming week-specific effects. The solid line represents the predicted OR, and the gray area indicates the 95% confidence interval (CI). A sensitive window is identified when the estimated pointwise 95% CI does not include one.