Figure 2.
MLPA, PCR-based RFLP, and PCR-based duplication analysis of two representative patients and their respective parents. A: Scheme shows MLPA probes and PCR primers. Dashed boxes indicate pseudogenes; white arrows, primers used to amplify duplicated CYP21A2 gene; black arrows, PCR-based RFLP primers; short vertical lines, TaqαI restriction site of CYP779f/Tena32F amplified products, with numbers showing the fragment size (in kb); vertical arrows, hybridization sites of the MLPA probes. ex, exon; int, intron; UTR, untranslated region. B and C: Normalized MLPA data of families of patient 1 and patient 2 with probes on x axis. Columns correspond to normalized electropherogram peak areas calculated using Coffalyser software. Diamonds denote results of point mutations; circles denote results of chimeric genes. Ratio values (y axis) between 0.7 and 1.3 (dashed lines) indicate two copies, bottom dashed lines (one copy) and top dashed lines (two copies). 1 and 1F represent patient 1 and the father, respectively. 2, 2M, and 2F represent patient 2, the mother, and the father, respectively. D: Electropherogram of TaqαI digested CYP779f/Tena32F amplified products. Target fragments are labeled with gene names and size. −, CYP21A2 deletion on one allele; +, no deletion; M, 1 kb DNA ladder; C1–C3, controls with two, one, and no CYP21A2 deletions, respectively. The 3.2 kb band for the CYP21A1P gene was not detected in samples 1F, 2, 2M, and 2F, which indicated no CYP21A2 deletion; sample 1 shows one 3.2 kb band for CYP21A1P gene, confirming CYP21A2 deletion. E: Electropherogram of products of duplication-specific amplification using primer 21BF1 and XA; no amplification is observed without CYP21A2 duplication. A positive 5.6 kb band for samples 1 and 1F indicates CYP21A2 duplication. The faint bands shown in samples 2, 2M, 2F, and C3 result from unspecific amplification. F: Genotyping results of patient 1 and 2. The following 21A2, 21A1P, XA, and XB stand for CYP21A2, CYP21A1P, TNXA, and TNXB, respectively. CYP21A2 genes identified with point mutations are set bold and underlined.