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. 2017 Sep 15;9(1):38–44. doi: 10.1159/000479949

Table 1.

Comparison of characteristic features in the present case and other ring chromosome 17 cases published in the literature

Features Present case Gass and Taney, 1994 Endo et al., 1999 Shashi et al., 2003 (1 case) Shashi et al., 2003 (2 cases) Surace et al., 2009 Kumari et al., 2009 Ricard-Mousnier et al., 2007 Qazi et al., 1979 Charles et al., 1991 Chudley et al., 1982 de Palma et al., 2015
Breakpoints 46,XX; chr17: 80,572,212–80,983,971; hg19 46,XY, r(17)(p13q25) 46,XY, r(17)/45, XY,-17 46,XY, r(17)(p13q25) 46,XX, r(17)(p13q25) 46,XY, r(17)(p13q25) 46,XY, r(17)(p13q25) 46,XY, r(17) 46,XY, r(17) 46,XY, r(17)(p13.3q25.3) 46,XY, r(17)(q21q25) 46,XX, r(17)(p13q25)

Facial dysmorphisms none hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, flat nasal bridge, small upturned nose, elongated philtrum bitemporal narrowing, epicanthal folds, telecanthus, broad nasal bridge, anteverted nares, thin upper lip, high-arched palate, widely spaced teeth, overfolded ear helices prominent eyes, epicanthal folds, anteverted nares, thick lips, small teeth, prognatism none epicanthal folds, broad depressed nasal bridge, protruding thick upper lips, micrognathia, narrow high-arched palate none

Microcephaly yes yes yes yes macrocephaly

Neurological conditions ID, acquired aphasia mild ID, behavior disorder mild ID ID, acquired aphasia, tremor ID, language never acquired ID ID ID ID normal cognitive functions

Growth low birth weight, height below the 25th percentile, short stature short stature low birth weight and height, short stature low birth weight low birth weight normal low birth weight and height, short stature short stature, low weight normal

Orthopedics none clinodactyly pectus excavatum, bilateral hallux valgus none clinodactyly

Heart none none none

Eye none reported flecked retina flecked retina flecked retina none flecked retina flecked retina none

Skin café-au-lait café-au-lait café-au-lait, single palmar crease café-au-lait café-au-lait café-au-lait none café-au-lait, abnormal dermatoglyphics skin pigmentation café-au-lait

Epilepsy IS, GTCS, CPS, NCSE yes yes GTC GTCS MS GTCS, NCSE, atonic yes yes yes CPS, NCSE

Drug resistance yes yes no yes yes yes

Brain abnormality none none generalized atrophy, frontal and basal ganglia encephalomalacia none none normal

Other none anteriorly placed anus, bilateral un descended testes

CPS, complex partial seizures; ID, intellectual disability; IS, infantile spasms, GTCS, generalized tonic-clonic seizures; MS, myoclonic seizure; NCSE, nonconvulsive status epilepticus.