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. 2016 Jul 6;62(6):581–601. doi: 10.1093/cz/zow067

Table 3.

Methodological approaches from empirical seascape genomic studies: elements of experimental design including spatial parameters, analyses, and genetic loci

Organism Location Spatial parametersa Spatial predictor(s) Genetic response variable(s) Analytical approachb Type and numb of locic Unit genotyped Number of Pops. Number of Individuals Outlier testsd Number of outlier locie Reference
Continuous seascape variables with genomic data
cod North Atlantic—mostly Europe LAT, LONG, temperature at spawning time, salinity at spawning time Location-specific values of each of the spatial parameters in turn Allele frequencies at individual outlier loci SAM tSNPs, SNPs (86,12) Ind 18 708 BayeScan 7 Nielsen et al. (2009a)
cod Greenland & Iceland LAT, LONG, distance to nearest coastline, annual maximum, mean and range for annual bottom spring temperature (maximum, mean, and range), surface spring temperature (maximum, mean, and range), and annual mean bottom salinity; initially 24 variables were examined and then reduced to this subset to reduce correlations among variables Each of the spatial parameters in turn Allele frequencies of all loci with covariance conditioned on neutral loci BayEnv tSNPs (935) Ind 20 847 BayeScan; Hierarchical 47 Therkildsen et al. (2013)
cod Greenland SST (mean, maximum and minimum), sea bottom temperature (mean, maximum and minimum), barotropic stream function Least cost paths based on ocean climate suitability (created using species distribution modeling based on spatial parameters) between sampled population and spawning grounds Posterior membership to Icelandic group Linear model tSNPs (81) Ind 6 872 None NA Bonanomi et al. (2015)
cod Baltic and North Sea SST, temperature at spawning depth, SSS, salinity at spawning depth, dissolved oxygen (both at surface and spawning depth) Location-specific values of each of the spatial parameters in turn Population allele frequencies BayEnv SNPs (8809) Ind 7 194 BayeScan; Fdist 326 Berg et al. (2015)
anemonefishes Red Sea + Oman Three barriers (arising from circulation or upwelling), OWD, environmental variables: day time SST, SSS, chlorophyll, color dissolved organic matter, particulate organic carbon Combinations of various putative barriers, overwater distance, first PC of combined environmental variables Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST values Linear models with model support assessed by AIC ddRAD (4559) Ind 11 144 LFMM 98 Saenz-Agudelo et al. (2015)
The first PC of the combined environmental variables Individual genotypes Latent factor mixed effects model
hake Europe—mostly Mediterranean SST, SSS, OWD Location-specific values of each of the spatial parameters in turn Allele frequencies at outlier loci with covariance conditioned on neutral loci BayEnv tSNPs (381) Ind 19 850 BayeScan; Hierarchical 17 Milano et al. (2014)
herring European North Atlantic SST, mean spawning period surface temperature, SSS, mean spawning period surface salinity, OWD, LAT, LONG Location-specific values of each of the spatial parameters in turn (excluding OWD), with a covariance matrix estimated from non-outlier loci Population allele frequencies BayEnv tSNPs (281) Ind 18 607 BayEnv; BayeScan; Hierarchical 10 Limborg et al. (2012)
Distance matrices based on (1) SST, and (2) SSE with OWD as the additional distance matrix Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST for each outlier locus Partial Mantel
sole European North Atlantic SST, sea bottom temperature, SSS, mixed layer depth, maximum density gradient, chlorophyll concentration, surface productive layer, OWD, LAT, LONG Environmental parameters conditioned on LAT and LONG and MEMs based on PcoA of distance matrix of shortest OWDs Genotypes with analyses performed separately for neutral and outliers partial RDA tSNPs (476) Ind 16 650 Fdist; Bayescan 13 Diopere chap 5, 2014
stickleback Baltic and North Sea SST, SSS Location specific values of each of the spatial parameters in turn Allele frequencies at outlier loci with covariance conditioned on neutral loci BayEnv RADseq (9404) Pools 10 360 BayeScan; Fst quantile 94 (Guo et al. 2015)
Continuous seascape variables with targeted microsatellites
herring Baltic and North Sea Temperature at spawning and in April, salinity at spawning and in April, BPD, OWD, distance to the mouth of the Baltic, fishing pressure, LAT, LONG Location-specific values of each temperature and salinity parameters in turn using both BPD and OWD as the additional distance matrices Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST , partitioned for all loci, non-outliers, and the single outlier locus Mantel and partial Mantel gl Msats (51,17) Ind 15 694 BayeScan; Fdist 1 Teacher et al. (2013)
Location-specific values of each temperature and salinity parameters along with distance to the mouth of the Baltic, LAT, LONG By locus allele frequencies (all loci) MatSAM
Combinations of location specific values of each temperature and salinity parameters along with distance to the mouth of the Baltic, fishing pressure Population heterozygosity and allelic richness partitioned for all loci, non-outliers, and the single outlier locus GLMs
sticklebacks Baltic and North Sea SST, SSS, BPD, OWD, LAT, LONG SST and SSS in turn Population allele frequencies for outlier loci SAM gl Msats (20, 20) Ind 38 973 BayeScan; Fdist 9 DeFaveri et al. (2013)
SST and SSS in turn with OWD as the additional distance matrix Distance matrices based on population pairwise FST for outlier loci (individually and as a group) Partial Mantel tests
Combinations of SST, SSS, LAT, LONG Population allele frequencies separately for genic and non genic loci GESTE with Bayesian model selection
turbot Europe (not Med) Habitat variables: SST, sea bottom temperature, SSS, sea bottom salinity, oxygen concentration, primary production; Hydrodynamic variables: bottom shear stress, depth of pycnocline, density-based stratification index; LAT, LONG All habitat and hydrodynamic variables, a matrix representing sampling year, and distance-based MEMs using a truncated distance matrix (PCNM approach) Genotypes, with analyses performed separately for neutral and outliers and for different geographical partitions RDA and partial RDA with dbMEM/PCNM to describe geographic distance and spatial correlations gl Msats (12, 6) Ind 290 999 (466 for some analyses) BayeScan; Fdist 3 Vandamme et al. (2014)
Nominal seascape variable(s), with genomic data
anchovy Europe (Atlantic, Mediterranean) Open water versus coastal; nested sampling design with 2 habitats in 2 locations Habitat Joint allele frequency spectrum between pairs of populations Custom model RADseq (5628) Ind 4 128 δαδι 431 {LeMoan: 2016be}
litorinid snail Europe (Sweden, UK, Spain) habitat: wave versus crab; nested sampling design with 2 habitat sites in 3 locations Habitat Proportion of shared outlier loci Identifying sets of loci that are outliers in multiple habitat comparisons RNAseq (6790) pools 6 ∼480 Fst quantile NA Westram et al. (2014)
Habitat Allele frequencies of SNPs from outlier contigs Determining whether allele frequency changes between habitats are consistent across locations
litorinid snail Sweden—3 island locations <10 km distant habitat: wave versus crab; nested sampling design with 2 habitat sites in 3 locations Habitat Proportion of shared outlier loci Identifying sets of loci that are outliers in multiple habitat comparisons RADseq (4187) Ind 6 130 Fdist 4-636 (depending on comparison) Ravinet et al. (2016)
Habitat Individual genotype (presence/absence of alleles) Binomial GLM
seagrass Wadden Sea, North Sea (50 kms) tidal position: tidal flat (exposed to air twice per day) or tidal creek (permanently submerged) OWD Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST Mantel gl Msats (14, 11) Ind 6 485 DetSel; Fdist 3 Oetjen and Reusch (2007)
OWD and habitat category Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST Partial Mantel
Marker type and habitat Distance matrix based on population pairwise FST 2-way ANOVA

aLAT =  latitude; LONG  =  longitude, SST =  mean annual surface temperature; SSS  = mean annual surface salinity, OWD = overwater distance, BPD = biophysical distance. Many studies simply report “temperature” or “salinity” in which case we assume that SST and SSS, respectively, are implied.

bBayEnv (Günther and Coop 2013); GESTE (Foll and Gaggiotti 2006); GLM is a general linear model; SAM/ matSAM (Joost et al. 2008).

ctSNPs: Transcriptome-derived SNPs; gl Msats: gene linked microsatellites. In parentheses is the number of loci included in analyses (post filtering); if study includes both gene linked loci and non-gene linked loci then 2 numbers are reported, respectively.

dBayEnv is the method of Coop et al. (2010); BayeScan is the method of Foll and Gaggiotti (2008); DetSel is from the method of Vitalis et al. (2003); Fdist is the method of Beaumont and Nicols (1996) regardless of which program was used for the analysis; LFMM is based on the method of Frichot et al. (2013) ; δαδι is the method of Gutenkunst et al. (2009).

eAs defined by authors.