Table 2.
Characteristics of six children with two positive HIV RDTs, negative or indeterminate HIV enzyme immunoassay and western blot testing, and undetectable HIV RNA PCR
Age (Months) | Gender | Discharge diagnosis | WHO clinical stage | Reason for stage | CD4 absolute (cells/mm3) | CD4% | EIA | WB |
24 | Male | Pneumonia | 4 | SM | 305 | 11.5 | Positive | Negative |
36 | Male | Pneumonia | 3 | RP | 866 | 31.4 | Negative | Negative |
36 | Female | Sepsis | 4 | SBI | 1,168 | 52.7 | Negative | Negative |
36 | Male | Missing | 1 | AS | 3,547 | 40.2 | Negative | Indeterminate |
56 | Male | Typhoid | 4 | SBI | 669 | 14.4 | Negative | Negative |
57 | Male | Pneumonia | 3 | RP | 1,234 | 42.6 | Positive | Negative |
RDT = rapid diagnostic test; WHO = World Health Organization; CD4 = CD4+ T-lymphocytes; EIA = enzyme immunoassay; WB = western blot; SM = severe malnutrition; RP = recurrent pneumonia; SBI = severe bacterial infection; AS = asymptomatic.