(a) Representative images of 3D–reconstructed
Dlxi1/2b::eGFP+ cell morphologies before and after
migration from hSS into hCS. (b) Quantification of dendritic branching of
Dlxi1/2b::eGFP+ cells in hSS (n= 58 cells)
and in hCS (n= 55 cells) of fused hSS-hCS (two-way ANOVA;
interaction F(2, 129)= 11.29, P< 0.001; Bonferroni post-hoc
*P< 0.05, ***P< 0.001). (c)
Representative examples of action potentials (slice recordings) in
Dlxi1/2b::eGFP+ cells in unfused hSS, in hSS of fused
hSS-hCS and in hCS after migration in fused hSS-hCS. (d) AT showing
expression of the GABAergic synapse marker GPHN (green) colocalized with
SYN1 (red) in hCS of fused hSS-hCS but not in unfused hCS; the glutamatergic
marker PSD95 (cyan) colocalized with SYN1 is found in both fused and unfused
hCS (equal volumes 1.2 μm deep). (e) AT of a
Dlxi1/2b::eGFP+ synapse illustrating the
colocalization with SYN1 (red), GPHN (cyan), and VGAT (white); 5 consecutive
70 nm sections (3 × 3 μm). (f) Representative examples of
whole-cell voltage clamp recordings of IPSCs and EPSCs from
Dlxi1/2b::eGFP+ cells in unfused hSS, in fused
hCS-hSS, or after migration in hCS (g) Representative examples of whole-cell
voltage clamp recordings of IPSCs and EPSCs in cells recorded from unfused
hCS cells and fused hCS cells. (h) Electrical stimulation and patch clamp
recording in fused hSS-hCS showing evoked EPSCs and IPSCs before (black) and
after exposure to 10 μM gabazine (red). (i) Average peri-stimulus
synaptic events (IPSCs and EPSCs) in Dlxi1/2::eGFP+ cells
recorded in the hCS side of fused hSS-hCS before and after electrical
stimulation (paired t-test, *P< 0.05). Data are
mean ± s.e.m.