S. mutans (1 × 108 CFU/ml) was grown on 96-well polystyrene plates at 37°C for 24 h in the presence or absence of (A) L. plantarum culture supernatant (Lp.sup) at the indicated concentrations; (B) 20% of Lp.sup, proteinase K-treated Lp.sup (ProK-Lp.sup), or heat-treated Lp.sup (Heat-Lp.sup); (C) 20% of Lp.sup or octyl-sepharose beads-treated Lp.sup (Octyl beads-Lp.sup); (D) 30 μg/ml of L. plantarum LTA (Lp.LTA), L. plantarum lipoprotein (Lp.LPP), L. plantarum peptidoglycan (Lp.PGN), MDP, or Tri-DAP. Biofilm formation extent was determined by a crystal violet assay. Data are mean values ± S.D. of triplicate samples. Asterisk, significant induction at P < 0.05 compared with non-treatment control group.