Figure 6. SAP dependent B/T cell crosstalk regulates the expression of CD74, SLAMF6 and B cell survival in human cells.
(A-D) Healthy human PB B cells were co-cultured with healthy human PB T cells that were treated with control scrambled or SAP siRNA. Following 24 hrs of incubation, RNA was purified, and mRNA was analyzed by qRT-PCR for CD74 mRNA (B) and Bcl2 (D). After 48 hrs, cell surface expression of SLAMF6 (A, right panel shows representative SLAMF6 histograms, N=3), CD74 (C, right panel shows representative CD74 histograms), and Annexin V (E), on CD19+ positive population was determined by FACS. Results are shown as fold change relative to the si-control group; bars indicate SEM. Each dot represents a biological repeat. N represents the number of experiments. * p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001