Cartoon descriptions describing the key steps of the five 17th IHIW typing report
submission processes are shown, with the steps defined in each inset box.
HML: Histoimmunogenetics Markup Language
IHIW: International HLA and Immunogenetics Workshop
sFTP: secure File Transfer Protocol
XML: eXtensible Markup Language
1: Though this final step is only shown in panel A, an IHIW XML typing report
remains available for download from the WS Database after an IHIW XML report of
any source is loaded into the WS Database.
2: WS Database watcher daemons monitor the sFTP server’s
/upload/hml directory for the arrival of HML typing
reports, and trigger the automatic conversion HML reports into IHIW XML reports.
Multi-sample (project-level) HML reports should be loaded directly into the
/upload/hml directory. Single-sample HML reports should be
loaded into a user-created subdirectory of the /upload
3: For the “concat HML files” tool to run, the Lab Member must
supply the user-created subdirectory of the /upload directory
in which the single-sample HML reports have been loaded.
A. Manual entry of genotyping data and meta-data to the WS Database
B. Illumina-generated or laboratory-generated IHIW XML
C. GenDx XML
D. Multi-sample (project-level) HML generated by HistoGenetics, HLA Twin, MIA
FORA and TypeStream Visual
E. Single-sample HML generated by MIA FORA or HLA Twin