Effect of PA- and ML-tDCS on the amplitude of MEPs evoked by PA-TMS-MEPs.
Fig. 2 corresponds to experiment 1. A, mean (±SEM) MEP amplitudes at baseline and every 10 min between T0 and T40 (red triangles = ML-tDCS, black squares = Sham, blue circles = PA-tDCS). B, mean (±SEM) post-stimulation effect (averaged from T0 to T40) expressed as a fraction of the baseline value in each group (ML, red; PA, blue; sham, black). Asterisks represent paired t-test significant differences (p < 0.05 with Bonferroni's multiple correction) when compared to sham. C, individual data points contributing to the mean values plotted in B. The head diagrams represent coil orientation and electrode configuration used: PA-TMS-MEPs, PA-tDCS and ML-tDCS. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)