Figure 4.
Pharmacological manipulations of 5HT and DA brain levels. Overall, IAA induced significantly more bees to sting, and there was no interaction between odour and pharmacological treatment (GLM). (a) Honey bee stinging likelihood after 5HT treatments. (b) Honey bee stinging likelihood after 5HT blockade through CYP treatments. (c) Overall effect of manipulating 5HT levels. (d) Honey bee stinging likelihood after DA treatments. (e) Honey bee stinging likelihood after DA blockade through FLU treatments. (f) Overall effect of manipulating DA levels. (a,b,d,e) GLM, *: treatment significant at threshold 0.05; ***: treatment significant at threshold 0.001. (c,f) Spearman ρ, *p < 0.05, #p = 0.066. n = 32 pairs of bees in all test groups.