Figure 1.
Influence of gestational diabetes and CWP supplementation on the expression of ATF-3 in adult male offspring. Western blot analysis was performed, and immunoblots for ATF-3 and total actin from one representative experiment are shown (a) for an offspring of a control non-diabetic mother, an offspring of a diabetic mother, and an offspring of a control CWP-treated diabetic mother. The normalized data from independent experiments (n = 15) are shown for ATF-3 expression (b) in the PBMCs of offspring of a non-diabetic mother (open gray bar), offspring of a diabetic mother (closed black bar), and offspring of a CWP-treated diabetic mother (hatched bar). The values represent the mean ± SEM. *P <0.05 for diabetic vs. control; #P <0.05 for diabetic + CWP vs. control; +P <0.05 for diabetic + CWP vs. diabetic (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).