Word comprehension |
Word comprehension total, corrected for chance by subtracting 8 and clipping at 0; denominator is now 24 |
Sentence comprehension |
Sentence comprehension total, corrected for chance by subtracting 24 and clipping at 0; denominator is now 24 |
Word finding |
60% |
Picture naming total |
20% |
Connected speech: Anomia |
20% |
Average of Connected speech: Empty speech, Semantic paraphasias, and Phonemic paraphasias, but capped so as not to exceed Anomia |
Grammatical construction |
40% |
Connected speech: Agrammatism |
20% |
Connected speech: Reduced length and complexity |
20% |
Connected speech: Paragrammatism, but capped so as not to exceed Agrammatism |
20% |
Average of sentence items from repetition and reading subtests |
Speech motor programming |
Motor speech: Apraxia of speech |
Repetition |
Repetition total |
Reading |
Reading aloud total |
QAB overall |
18% |
Word comprehension summary measure |
18% |
Sentence comprehension summary measure |
14% |
Word finding summary measure |
14% |
Grammatical construction summary measure |
8% |
Speech motor programming summary measure |
8% |
Repetition summary measure |
8% |
Reading summary measure |
8% |
Connected speech: Overall communication impairment |
2% |
Connected speech: Reduced words per minute |
2% |
Connected speech: Self-correction |