HIC2 represses foetal haemoglobin expression in primitive erythrocytes.
a. X-gal staining of an E9.5 Hic2GT/+ embryo reveals strong reporter expression in the yolk sac (left) as well as in the heart tube (right).
b–e. In situ hybridisation to show expression of Hbb-bt at E9.5 in the wildtype (b,c) and mutant (d,e) embryo. Lower panels show an enlarged view of the boxed area above. E = erythrocyte; HT = heart tube.
f–g. RT-qPCR analysis of gene expression in pooled heart samples. f and g show absolute expression (normalised to GAPDH) at E9.5 and E13.5 respectively while g shows the fold change between the genotypes indicated at E9.5. P values indicate results of a one tailed t-test.