Figure 2.
Quantitative analysis of macrophage burden in the tumors and draining lymph nodes from in vivo MRI data. A. 19F atom count is significantly higher in Cal27 tumors compared to SCC4 tumors at both time points (day 2 & 10 post PFC injection, asterisk indicates significance); this count is almost twice as high 2 days after PFC injection (3.94×1019 versus 1.98×1019 atoms respectively, p = 0.0034). B. Corresponding 19F atom count in the draining lymph nodes showing minor signal decrease for Cal27 tumors at day 10 compared to day 2 but no difference between the two groups at day 2; these differences were not significant, p>0.05. Overall, signal in the lymph nodes is lower than in the periphery of the corresponding tumors by a factor of ∼10. C. Plot showing moderate correlation (r = 0.63) between number of fluorine atoms per tumor and macrophage infiltration (N=108, high power fields, HPF).