Fig. 2.
RXEG1 mediates GH12 protein recognition in N. benthamiana. a Representative leaves showing cell death induced by expression of XEG1, INF1, NPP1, or Avh241 in N. benthamiana. Leaves (n = 10) were photographed three days after agro-infiltration (dai). Accumulation of each protein was monitored at 2 dai with anti-HA antibody. The numbers used for western blots match the numbers on the leaves. Protein loading is indicated by Ponceau S staining. Experiments were repeated three times with similar results. b Relative transcript levels of RXEG1 and RXEG-likes in TRV:GFP- and TRV:RXEG1-treated N. benthamiana. Leaves were collected from the same position of N. benthamiana of similar size and used for RNA isolation. The transcript levels were determined by qRT-PCR, normalized with EF-1α, and expressed as mean fold changes [±standard error (s.e.m.)] relative to TRV:GFP-treated leaves, which was set as 1. *, significant differences (P < 0.05, Student’s t-test). Similar results were obtained in three independent experiments. c Representative leaves showing expression of synthesized RXEG1 restored XEG1-induced cell death in N. benthamiana treated with TRV:RXEG1-1 or TRV:RXEG1-2. XEG1 was co-expressed with P19 and RXEG1(S), RXEG1LRR(S), RXEGL1/2(S), or a mixture of RXEG1(S) and RXEGL1/2(S) in N. benthamiana leaves treated with TRV:GFP, TRV:RXEG1-1, or TRV:RXEG1-2. Infiltrated leaves (n = 6) was photographed at 3 dai. Total protein was isolated from infiltrated leaves at 2 dai and analyzed with anti-HA and anti-GFP antibodies. Protein loading is indicated by Ponceau S staining. Experiments were repeated three times with similar results. d Representative leaves showing cell death induced by expression of various GH12 proteins and INF1 in N. benthamiana leaves treated with TRV:GFP or TRV:RXEG1. GH12 proteins and INF1 were transiently expressed in N. benthamiana. Infiltrated leaves (n = 10) were photographed at 3 dai. Total protein was isolated from infiltrated leaves at 2 dai and accumulation of each protein was analyzed by western blot with anti-HA antibody. The numbers used for western blots match the numbers on the leaves. Protein loading is indicated by Ponceau S staining. Experiments were repeated three times with similar results