Experimental setup and task. (A) Schematic representation of the experimental setup. Two scan sessions occurred before (pre-test session) and after (post-test session) five training sessions (training period), distributed across 2 weeks. Each scan session included a rest scan (rs1 and rs3, respectively) before a task-related scan, a task-related scan (tr1 and tr2, respectively) and a rest scan after the task-related scan (rs2 and rs4, respectively). We mainly focused on rest scans (i.e., two runs within each scan session, four runs in total: rs1, rs2, rs3, and rs4); (B) The goal of the bimanual tracking task was to track a white target dot over a blue target line, presented on a screen, by rotating two dials with both hands simultaneously in one of four directional patterns: inward (IN), outward (OUT), clockwise (CW), and counter-clockwise manner (CCW); at five different relative frequency ratios: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, and 3:1 (left: right). This resulted in 20 different bimanual patterns and target line directions.