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. 2018 Feb 12;20:11. doi: 10.1186/s12968-018-0430-6

Table 2.

CMR Imaging Parameters: ventricular geometry, strain and LGE

Healthy controls (n = 20) Acute viral myocarditis (n = 20) IIM with inflammatory myocarditis (n = 20) P-value / age adjusted p-value
 - EDV index, ml/m2 79 ± 16 85 ± 12 78 ± 15 0.059
 - ESV index, ml/m2 32 ± 6 40 ± 8*/* 35 ± 13 0.038 / 0.329
 - Mass index, ml/m2 54 ± 11 60 ± 10 55 ± 14 0.099
 - EF, % 59 ± 4 53 ± 9*/* 56 ± 10 0.198
 - GLS, % −25 ± 3 −24 ± 5 −23 ± 6* 0.235
 - EDV index, ml/m2 98 ± 21 99 ± 21 82 ± 19*/* 0.004 / 0.036
 - ESV index, ml/m2 48 ± 14 50 ± 11 40 ± 19* 0.010 / 0.091
 - EF, % 51 ± 7 49 ± 4 53 ± 12 0.026 / 0.396
 - GLS, % −32 ± 8 −32 ± 7 −33 ± 9 0.659
 LGE positive patients 0/20 (0%) 20/20 (100%)* 7/20 (35%)* < 0.001
 Subepicardial LGE positive segments 0/340 (0%) 106/340 9/340 (5%)* < 0.001
 Intramural LGE positive segments 0/340 (0%) (31%)* 9/340 (3%)* 0.004
 Subendocardial LGE positive segments 0/340 (0%) 0/340 (0%) 0/340 (0%)

Values are mean ± SD or n / total (%). */* p < .05 compared to controls without / with age adjustment. p-values/age adjusted p-values of the direct comparison between acute viral myocarditis and IIM myocarditis are shown in the last column, using Mann-Whitney U and a multivariate regression model or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate. Age adjusted p-values were calculated in case of significant non-adjusted p-values

IIM idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, LV left ventricular, EDV end-diastolic volume, ESV end-systolic volume, EF ejection fraction, GLS global longitudinal strain