MS-275 at 10 mg/kg was given 60 minutes before tissue collection which was done 24 hours after administration of GA with 9 mg/kg i.p. of midazolam, 0.75% Iso and 70% N2O. GAPDH= glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase. A: GA-induced H3 hypoacetylation, as evidenced by about 50% decrease levels of Ac-H3 protein expression, was almost significantly reversed (about 20% decrease) with MS-275 treatment when compared to sham controls. Note that MS-275 given alone did not significantly affects levels of Ac-H3. (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001). B: Original Western Blot gels from all experiments used to generate graphs with average data presented on panel A of this figure (n=6 pups per data point in all cohorts).