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. 2018 Feb 12;92(5):e01871-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01871-17


Neoplasia and AIDS-like syndromea in Moreton Bay Rail koalas

Disease status No. of koalas
P value by Fisher's exact test
KoRV-B+ KoRV-B Total
    Positive 4 1 5
    Negative 79 206 285
    Total 83 207 290 0.025
AIDS-like syndrome
    Positive 3 4 7
    Negative 80 203 283
    Total 83 207 290 0.412

AIDS-like syndrome was diagnosed in cases displaying two or more of the following clinical signs: chronic ill-thrift, severe fungal infections (such as cryptococcosis), severe and/or generalized dermatitis, unexplained poor body condition, severe periodontal disease, ulcerations, gastrointestinal disease, severe chlamydiosis, and stomatitis. Boldface indicates significance.