Representative longitudinal Gag-specific T-cell-associated parameters in PC. The T-cell response was defined as the frequency of cells (>0.05% after background subtraction of the unstimulated condition) with detectable IFN-γ, TNF-α, and/or IL-2 intracellular cytokine production after stimulation of cryopreserved PBMCs with Gag overlapped peptides. Gag-specific total CD4+ T-cell response (A), central memory CD4+ T-cell response (B) (CM, CD4 CD45RA CD27), total CD8+ T-cell response (C), and terminally differentiated CD8+ T-cell response (D) (TD, CD8 CD45RA CD27) levels are shown. No statistical differences were obtained throughout the follow-up. NS denotes no significant differences between multiple paired sample comparisons determined by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (P > 0.05 in all cases). The Friedman test could not be applied due to insufficient statistical power using the five follow-up time points.