Table 5.
Parameters used in the model selection | Selected parameters’ coefficients |
Age | 0.068 |
Gender | 0.77 (female) |
Better visual acuity | NS |
Worse visual acuity | NS |
mTDSP | NS |
mTDSC | NS |
mTDIC | NS |
mTDIP | −0.058 |
Sedative/sleeping aid | NS |
BMI | NS |
DM | NS |
HT | NS |
Number of previous fall | 0.83 |
Abbreviations: TD, total deviation, SP, superior peripheral, SC, superior central, IC, inferior central, IP, inferior peripheral, BMI, body mass index, DM, diabetes mellitus, HT, hypertension, mTD, mean total deviation, SP, suprior peripheral, SC, superior central, IC, inferior central, IP, inferior peripheral. NS represents not selected in the optimal model