Table 3.
Potential endpoint labels and descriptions
No. | Label | Description |
1 | Anxiety and depression | Because of the video, I felt more anxious and depressed |
2 | Aid preferences | I like this video more than the pamphlet |
3 | Comfortable with aid | I was comfortable watching this video |
4 | Decision maker conversation | Because of this video, I have had a meaningful discussion with my surrogate about what matters most to me in life |
5 | Decision maker designation | Because of this video, I identified and named someone to be my surrogate decision maker |
6 | Decision making | Because of this video, I felt more comfortable making decisions about my health care wishes |
7 | Helpfulness of aid | I found this video helpful |
8 | Identification of values | Because of this video, I have identified what matters most to me and makes life worth living |
9 | Leeway discussion | Because of this video, I have talked with my surrogate about how much flexibility he/she may take in matching my wishes when making medical decisions for me |
10 | Leeway preference | Because of this video, I have thought about how much flexibility there is around my health care wishes |
11 | Legal document knowledge | Because of this video, I know more about legal medical documents such as advance directives and durable power of attorney |
12 | Medical form completion | Because of this video, I completed a legal medical form such as an advance directive or health care proxy |
13 | Medical form placement | Because of this video, I put my completed medical forms in my medical record |
14 | Perceived benefits | Because of this video, I have a greater sense of control over future health care decisions that may be made on my behalf if I cannot speak for myself |
15 | Physician discussion | Because of this video, I have had a meaningful discussion with my physician about my treatment wishes and goals |
16 | Recommend aid | I would recommend this video to others |
17 | Satisfied with aid | I was satisfied with this video |
18 | Substitute judgment | From watching this video, my surrogate can accurately communicate my goals and wishes |
19 | Successful outcome | Because of this video, I know the chances that someone who gets life-sustaining treatments (CPR and/or mechanical ventilation) would survive and get to leave the hospital |
20 | Telling others about decision maker | Because of this video, I have told my family who my surrogate decision maker will be |
21 | Treatment complications | Because of this video, I know more about the potential risks of getting life-sustaining treatments such as CPR, mechanical ventilation, and tube feeding |
22 | Treatment knowledge | Because of this video, I know more about life-sustaining treatments such as CPR, mechanical ventilation, and/or tube feeding |
23 | Treatment preference | Because of this video, I know what I would want in terms of different medical treatments |
24 | Well-being | Because of this video, I feel less worried (my emotional well-being was improved) |
Note: Endpoints in bold were retained for prioritization at the state fair.
Abbreviation: CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.