In WL+FR, Auxin Is Decreased in the Cortex Overlaying Stage 4-6 LRPs.
(A) to (F) Representative confocal microscopy images of 6-d-old seedlings expressing Pro35S:NLS-DII-vYFP and stained with DAPI. Bars = 20 µm.
(A) and (D) DII-YFP signal of WL-grown (A) or WL+FR-grown (D) seedlings; arrow points to the nucleus of the cortex cell above the LRP.
(B) and (E) DAPI staining image of (A) and (D); arrow denotes measured nucleus.
(C) and (F) Bright-field image merged with YFP and DAPI signal; arrow denotes measured nucleus.
(G) Quantification of DII-YFP signal of cortex nuclei situated above stage 4-6 LRPs, normalized against the DAPI signal. Letters depict significant difference (P < 0.05, Student’s t test). Error bars show se; n = 10 seedlings.