(A) HEK293 cells were co-transfected with Clptm1 and HA-tagged GABAAR
α1, β2, α2, β3, γ2, GlyR α1 or
CD4 as a negative control. Clptm1 was specifically co-immunoprecipitated with
GABAAR subunits but not GlyR α1.
(B) HEK293 cells were co-transfected with Clptm1 or HA-CD4 and GABAAR
α1/β2/γ2, α2/β3/γ2,
α1/β2, α2/β3, or GlyR α1, each together
with GFP to detect the transfected cells for recording. GABAAR or
GlyR mediated currents were induced by fast application/removal of GABA (1 mM)
or glycine (1mM), respectively. Clptm1 significantly reduced GABAAR
but not GlyR mediated currents. α1/β2/γ2: n=24
cells from 4 independent experiments, α2/β3/γ2:
n=23 cells from 2 independent experiments, α1/β2:
n=18 cells from 2 independent experiments, α2/β3:
n=18 cells from 2 independent experiments, and GlyRα1:
n=22 cells from 3 independent experiments.
**** p<0.0001, t-test.
(C and D) COS7 cells were co-transfected with Clptm1 or HA-CD4 and
HFY-GABAARγ2 with non-tagged α1/β2 (C) or
α2/β3 (D). Surface HFY-GABAARγ2 was
immunostained using anti-GFP antibody under non-permeabilized conditions. The
surface to total HFY-GABAARγ2 ratio was reduced by Clptm1.
Scale bar represents 20 μm. n=30 cells from at least 2
independent experiments. ****
p<0.0001, t-test.
(E) COS7 cells co-transfected with Myc-Clptm1 or Myc-CD4 and
HFY-GABAARγ2 with non-tagged α1 and β2 were
fixed, permeabilized, and immunolabeled for Myc tag and the ER marker calnexin
or the Golgi marker GM130. Clptm1 increased ER and Golgi localization of
HFY-GABAARγ2 based on quantitation of the average
intensity of YFP colocalized with calnexin or GM130 over the average intensity
in the rest of the cell not colocalized with calnexin or GM130. Scale bar
represents 20 μm. n=29 cells from at least 2 independent
experiments. ** p<0.01,
**** p<0.0001, t-test.
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM.
See also Figure S2 and
Table S2.