Figure 7. Loss of FSIs impairs striatum-dependent egocentric learning.
(A,B) FSI-lesions do not impair accuracy on training trials in egocentric-allocentric operant task (N=8 mice per group; two-way ANOVA PGroup >0.9). (C,D) Probe trials initiated at different nosepokes reveal change in task strategy (N=8 mice per group; unpaired two-tailed t-test P<0.01). (E,F) FSI-lesioned mice perform equivalently at locating hidden platform in water T-maze (N=8 mice per group; two-way ANOVA PGroup>0.3). Arrows indicate sessions containing probe trials. (G,H) Probe trials initiated on opposite end of the maze reveal decreased utilization of egocentric strategy (N=8 mice per group; rank sum test P<0.002). All error bars are s.e.m. and center values are group means.