Comprehension/interpretation of the valuation protocol |
Difficulty to imagine that one can continue living with depression for the rest of life |
‘then I will always hope that in the years to come I will heal myself’
‘If I wouldn't take that medicine, I would probably kill myself’
Part 2 |
Part 9 |
Difficulty to imagine that one who lives with depression and cancer/diabetes/heart disease will reach the age of 80 |
‘I think I would be dead anyway within 10 years’
‘I think I will never be 80 with this, because I don't have an interest in food’
Part 9 |
Part 8 |
Difficulty to imagine that one who lives with cancer/diabetes/heart disease can be mentally healthy |
‘I think that the physical symptoms will make you depressed anyway’
‘I can't see the positive thing that depression will take away, because I think I'll also feel depressed because I can't do anything’
Part 6 |
Part 8 |
Factors that affect valuations |
Compare the burden of the depression to the burden of the somatic condition |
Part 8 |
Part 7 |
Experience with the condition(s) |
‘I felt a little bit depressed last year’
‘A friend of mine is at this stage depressed, so I can imagine that it is possible’
Part 2 |
Part 1 |
Significant others |
‘I don't want to do that to my family, that they have to see so long that I'm full of pain and can't do anything with them’
‘you can't see your kids completely grow up, so it's kind of selfish the decision to die’
Part 8 |
Part 4 |
Religion |
‘I am raised like Calvinist and that means that the things that burden you, you have to face it and go on…’
‘I am a Christian, so I am expecting a life after this’
Part 9 |
Part 5 |
Perceived susceptibility |
‘I am a very active coping person, depression doesn't belong to me’
‘while with depression I am quite confident, this (i.e. cancer) is something that could happen’
Part 5 |
Part 10 |
Age of retirement |
Part 5 |
Part 7 |