Sex |
Male |
7 (50) |
Female |
7 (50) |
How often doctors listen |
Never |
1 (7.1) |
Sometimes |
4 (28.6) |
Usually |
4 (28.6) |
Always |
5 (35.7) |
How often doctors explain |
Never |
1 (7.1) |
Sometimes |
4 (28.6) |
Usually |
3 (21.4) |
Always |
6 (42.9) |
How often nurses listen |
Never |
1 (7.1) |
Sometimes |
1 (7.1) |
Usually |
7 (50) |
Always |
5 (35.7) |
How often nurses explain |
Never |
2 (14.3) |
Sometimes |
3 (21.4) |
Usually |
4 (28.6) |
Always |
5 (35.7) |
Have you been given a new medicine |
No |
3 (21.4) |
Yes |
11 (78.6) |
How often did hospital staff tell you what the medicine was for |
Never |
2 (18.2) |
Sometimes |
6 (54.5) |
Usually |
3 (27.3) |
Always |
0 (0.0) |
How often did hospital staff describe possible side‐effects |
Never |
7 (63.6) |
Sometimes |
2 (18.2) |
Usually |
2 (18.2) |
Always |
Do you understand your medication |
No |
3 (27.3) |
Yes |
8 (72.7) |
Discharge destination |
Home |
14 (100) |
Others |
Did hospital staff talk with you about the help you needed |
No |
2 (14.3) |
Yes |
12 (85.7) |
Did you get information in writing |
No |
9 (64.3) |
Yes |
5 (35.7) |
Have you received a copy of discharge letter |
No |
9 (64.3) |
Yes |
5 (35.7) |
Does the letter explain to you who you need to contact if you need information |
No |
3 (60) |
Yes |
2 (40) |
Was the information on managing your condition and medication clear |
No |
1 (20) |
Yes |
4 (80) |
Will you recommend the hospital |
Definitely no |
1 (7.1) |
Probably no |
2 (14.3) |
Probably yes |
5 (35.7) |
Definitely yes |
6 (42.9) |
Rate your health |
Poor |
8 (61.5) |
Fair |
4 (30.8) |
Good |
1 (7.7) |
Age |
Mean |
74.3 (SD=9.9) |
Median |
75 |
Minimum |
58 |
Maximum |
91 |
Hospital Rate |
Mean |
6.15 (SD=2.9) |
Median |
7 |
Minimum |
1 |
Maximum |
10 |