Table 1. Immuno- and histochemical quantification of plaque cells in culture.
Indexed area of cells from the total section area in percentages for populations of α-SMA+ smooth muscle cells, CD68+ macrophages, and aniline blue+ collagen and fibroblasts at days 0, 4, 7, and 19; indexed quantity of cells per 1 cm of vessel circumference for H&E endothelial cells at days 0, 4, 7, and 19. Medians and IQR for plaques from six donors cultured for 19 days are presented.
Cell type/day of culture | α-SMA+, % from total area |
aniline blue+, % from total area |
CD68+, % from total area |
H&E, per 1 cm of vessel circle |
Day 0, Me [IQR] | 11.5 [8.8–17.5] | 82.9 [74.2–86.8] | 11.9 [5.2–13.7] | 13.9 [5.3–22.3] |
Day 4, Me [IQR] | 19.6 [16.4–20.3] | 79.4 [72.5–85.1] | 4.9 [4.6–5.1] | 4.3 [2.5–9.5] |
Day 7, Me [IQR] | 11.9 [10.5–14.8] | 81.1 [71.1–83.3] | 8.3 [4.3–14.2] | 4.6 [1.2–11.7] |
Day 19, Me [IQR] | 15.6 [13.9–17.0] | 84.4 [73.9–88.7] | 4.1 [2.0–5.9] | 10.1 [2.9–11.5] |
p-level | 0.066 | 0.204 | 0.133 | 0.294 |