Transmission electron micrographs of the outer retina of a S334ter-9 hemizygote (A and C) and a S334ter-9 homozygote (Hz; B and D) at P30 and P32, respectively. The upper row is at low magnification and the lower row is at higher magnification. The hemizygote appears almost normal, except for a few irregularities in diameter and slightly disorganized regions (d) of the OSs where the disks are not fully compacted (A, compare to SD WT, Fig. 15A). The hemizygote shows no extracellular vesicles (A and C), but the homozygote (B and D) has many vesicles (arrows) in the interphotoreceptor space, and the outer retina is significantly more disorganized and degenerated. cc, connecting cilium; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium. Magnification bars = 5 μm in A and B; 2 μm in C and D.