Plots of steady-state signal magnitude for (a) FISS and (b) bSSFP as a function of off-resonance frequency and flip angle for stationary spins. Compared with bSSFP, FISS demonstrates similar signal for on-resonant spins, and wider notches of suppression of off-resonant spins centered at approximately ±150-163 Hz and ±338-350 Hz (±0.6-0.65/TRb and ±1.35-1.40/TRb, dependent on the flip angle), instead of ±125 Hz and ±375 Hz (±0.5/TRb and ±1.5/TRb) which is customary for bSSFP. Plots of median inter-view complex signal difference (MISD) for (c) FISS and (d) bSSFP in the transient state. FISS demonstrates smaller signal variability (i.e., lower MISD values) than bSSFP across the off-resonance frequency spectrum. Simulation parameters: number of FISS modules/bSSFP repetitions=1000, TRf/TRb/TE = 9 ms/4 ms/2 ms, T1/T2=1600 ms/180 ms, FISS n=1 without RF spoiling. Dashed gray lines show values for FLASH (TR/TE=9 ms/2 ms, Ernst α=6°).