Fig. 3.
ARGs and their bacterial hosts. a Percentages of ARG-carrying bacterial hosts. Mul multidrug, tet tetracycline, ami aminoglycoside, MLS macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin, beta beta-lactam, bac bacitracin, sul sulfonamide, fosm fosmidomycin, pol polymyxin, kas kasugamycin, chl chloramphenicol, van vancomycin, fosf fosfomycin, unc unclassified. Details are shown in Additional file 1: Figure S6 and Additional file 2: Table S7. b Variations of the predominant ARGs carried by bacterial hosts over time in the therapeutic dose group. ARGs and bacterial hosts are colored by red and blue nodes, respectively. Node size corresponds to percentage. ARGs and their bacterial hosts are connected by line. Details are described in Additional file 2: Table S8. The percentage of a single ARG was calculated using the coverage of the ARG divided by the sum of the coverage of all ARGs in one sample. c Changes of bacterial hosts carrying ARGs from the control group compared to the therapeutic dose group on T5. C the control group, T the therapeutic dose group. Green nodes, red nodes, and pink nodes mean hosts, ARG types, and ARG subtypes, respectively. Node size corresponds to percentage. Bacterial hosts with a percentage of > 1% are shown. Details are described in Additional file 2: Table S9. d Linear relationship between the relative abundance of total ARGs and the coverage of total ARGs harbored by bacterial hosts. Each dot represents one sample, and a solid line means a linear fit. The dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals