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. 2018 Feb 13;18:57. doi: 10.1186/s12906-018-2124-x

Table 2.

This table shows the characteristics of the included randomised controled trials

Articles Year Country Type of patients Total of patients Type of acupuncture Type of control group Studying preventive acupuncture effect Outcome measures
Alimi [26] 2012 France Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 60 Auriculotherapy acupuncture Sham/placebo acupuncture No VAS scores
Blom [27] 1992 Sweden Variety of patients 21 Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture Sham/placebo acupuncture No SFR and changes in subjective symptoms
Blom [28] 1996 Sweden Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 41 Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture Sham/placebo acupuncture No SFR and changes in subjective symptoms
Braga [29] 2011 Brazil Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 24 Traditional Chinese and orthodox Western medicine acupuncture Oral hygiene/usual care Yes SFR and VAS scores
Cho [33] 2008 South Korea Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 12 real acupuncture Sham/placebo acupuncture No SFR and XQ scores
List [30] 1998 Sweden Sjögren’s syndrome patients 21 Parotid, submandibular and labial glands acupuncture Oral hygiene/usual care No SFR and VAS scores
Meng [31] 2012 China Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 86 Traditional Chinese medicine and biomedicine acupuncture Oral hygiene/usual care Yes SFR and XQ scores
Meng [32] 2012 China Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 23 Real acupuncture Sham/placebo acupuncture Yes SFR and XQ scores
Pfister [34] 2010 USA Receiving neck dissection and radiotherapy for cancer 70 Standard and customized anatomic points acupuncture Oral hygiene/usual care No Xerostomia Inventory
Simcock [35] 2012 UK Receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer 145 Bilateral ears, index finger and an additional facial point acupuncture Oral care sessions No SFR. Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Head and Neck subscale

SFR salivary flow rate, UK United Kingdom, USA United States of America, VAS visual analogue scale, XQ xerostomia questionnaire