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. 2018 Feb 9;9:111. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00111

Table 3.

Group mean descriptive statistics, standard deviations (SD), and MANCOVA analysis for creative and existential experiences in the three ACE groupings.

0 ACE 1–3 ACE ≥4 ACE
Power–Pleasure 39.04 (8.27) 38.28 (8.98) 41.68 (9.46)
Distinct experience 27.63 (7.60) 28.19 (7.71) 31.68 (6.24)
Absorption 32.87 (8.66) 33.85 (8.89) 38.30 (7.44)∗∗
Anxiety 18.46 (6.09) 18.65 (6.06) 20.41 (4.49)
Clarity 14.17 (3.60) 14.54 (4.83) 15.24 (3.48)
Certainty 30.39 (9.87) 30.30 (9.27) 33.78 (7.91)
Transformation 24.11 (7.39) 25.30 (7.21) 28.43 (6.39)
Beyond personal 9.33 (3.45) 10.00 (3.37) 10.14 (3.30)

MANCOVA (age and gender covariates) comparison of mean scores showing significant group differences: Wilks’s Λ = 0.837, F(16,372) = 2.157, p = 0.006, η2 = 0.085; gender, p = 0.250; age, p = 0.096. See results for narrative details on pairwise comparison differences. p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01.