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. 2018 Feb 6;2(3):292–298. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2017011346

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Human TCMexpress tissue-homing addressins and are found in healthy human peripheral tissues. (A-B) Comparison of the expression of skin-homing (CLA) and gut-homing (α4β7) addressins in TCM and TEM by CyTOF analyses from a representative human donor. The gating strategy used to identify TCM and TEM among human peripheral blood CD45RO+ CD45RA FOXP3 memory T cells is shown. (C-D) Aggregate data of skin and gut addressin expression by (C) CD4+ and (D) CD8+ TCM (white bars) and TEM (black bars). T cells that expressed neither CLA nor α4β7 were designated as unassigned. The mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) of 4 donors are shown. (E-G) TCM and TEM have comparable expression of skin- and gut-homing addressins. The mean and SEM of the total assignable tissue-tropic populations (total tropism, the sum of skin and gut-tropic populations) for (E) CD4+ and (F) CD8+ T cells are shown. The mean and SEM of 6 donors are shown. (H) TCM are present in noninflamed human peripheral tissues. T cells were isolated from noninflamed human tissues and analyzed by flow cytometry. TCM as a percentage of the total T-cell population are shown for (H) individual representative samples and (I) pooled data. The mean and SEM of 5 skin, 2 lung, 3 colon, and 6 cervix samples are shown.