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. 2017 Mar 21;93(4):fix029. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fix029

Table 2.

Illustration of the percentage of overmerged OTUs upon applying both the 97% cut-off and our proposed lookup table, for two amplicon lengths (300 and 500 bp) and a sliding window of 50 bp.

Position Overmerged OTUs (%) Position Overmerged OTUs (%)
Start End 0.03 Cut-off Lookup ii) Lookup* Start End 0.03 Cut-off Lookup Lookup*
1 300 22 15 17 1 500 25 16 19
51 350 27 18 20 51 550 29 18 21
101 400 34 20 25 101 600 31 19 23
151 450 29 18 21 151 650 31 19 22
201 500 45 24 29 201 700 45 24 28
251 550 51 28 33 251 750 48 25 31
301 600 44 25 30 301 800 48 25 31
351 650 38 23 27 351 850 43 24 28
401 700 40 24 27 401 900 45 24 28
451 750 53 28 33 451 950 55 27 33
501 800 55 29 34 501 1000 47 25 31
551 850 48 26 32 551 1050 44 24 29
601 900 54 28 34 601 1100 49 25 30
651 950 63 32 36 651 1150 49 25 30
701 1000 48 26 32 701 1200 49 25 31
751 1050 48 26 31 751 1250 46 24 29
801 1100 47 26 30 801 1300 44 24 29
851 1150 49 26 32 851 1350 48 25 30
901 1200 48 25 32 901 1400 48 24 29
951 1250 41 24 28 951 1450 41 22 26
1001 1300 50 26 31
1051 1350 53 28 34
1101 1400 53 27 33
1151 1450 49 25 30
Average 44 24 29 Average 43 23 28

The lookup table was calculated using either the complete number of species for each family (column ‘lookup’) or subsampled families containing at maximum of seven species per family (column ‘lookup*’).