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. 2018 Feb 14;13(2):e0191898. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191898

Table 2. Behavioral ethogram.

Behavior Description
Proximity Any individual within the subject’s reach. Proximity during locomotion refers to an individual within the subject’s reach and moving in the same direction.
Allogroom Picking through hair or at skin of another individual, removing debris with hands and/or mouth. Does not include pulling hair; the actor receives no grooming at the same time.
Play Non-aggressive interactions involving two or more chimpanzees. Never accompanied by pilo-erection or agonism; may be accompanied by play-face and/or laughing. Includes rough-and-tumble play, quiet play, object play, self play, and social play initiation.
Simultaneous Groom Picking through hair or at skin of another individual, removing debris with hands and/or mouth, while the other individual returns the same behaviors at the same time. Does not include pulling hair.
Other Affiliation Any other affiliative behavior; may or may not involve contact.
Displace Approaching and taking the physical space of another individual.
Display Aggressive behavior without any clear and identifiable recipient. May include pilo-erection, and such behaviors as beating on or moving inanimate objects, stomping, slapping, swaying, hooting, chest-beating, or running.
Fight Reciprocal contact aggression that continues into a state.
Submission Includes crouching, bobbing, fleeing, avoiding, fear grimacing, bared teeth creaming, and pant grunting.
Threat Aggressive behaviors directed to another individual that do not include any physical contact. Includes lunge and rush.
Other Aggression Aggressive behaviors that must involve some physical contact between individuals. Includes, wrestling, lunge, hit, grab, bite, and scratch. May include pilo-erection. Also including any other behaviors perceived as agonistic in nature.

This ethogram was modified from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums [50].