Table 2. Behavioral ethogram.
Behavior | Description |
Association | |
Proximity | Any individual within the subject’s reach. Proximity during locomotion refers to an individual within the subject’s reach and moving in the same direction. |
Affiliation | |
Allogroom | Picking through hair or at skin of another individual, removing debris with hands and/or mouth. Does not include pulling hair; the actor receives no grooming at the same time. |
Play | Non-aggressive interactions involving two or more chimpanzees. Never accompanied by pilo-erection or agonism; may be accompanied by play-face and/or laughing. Includes rough-and-tumble play, quiet play, object play, self play, and social play initiation. |
Simultaneous Groom | Picking through hair or at skin of another individual, removing debris with hands and/or mouth, while the other individual returns the same behaviors at the same time. Does not include pulling hair. |
Other Affiliation | Any other affiliative behavior; may or may not involve contact. |
Agonism | |
Displace | Approaching and taking the physical space of another individual. |
Display | Aggressive behavior without any clear and identifiable recipient. May include pilo-erection, and such behaviors as beating on or moving inanimate objects, stomping, slapping, swaying, hooting, chest-beating, or running. |
Fight | Reciprocal contact aggression that continues into a state. |
Submission | Includes crouching, bobbing, fleeing, avoiding, fear grimacing, bared teeth creaming, and pant grunting. |
Threat | Aggressive behaviors directed to another individual that do not include any physical contact. Includes lunge and rush. |
Other Aggression | Aggressive behaviors that must involve some physical contact between individuals. Includes, wrestling, lunge, hit, grab, bite, and scratch. May include pilo-erection. Also including any other behaviors perceived as agonistic in nature. |
This ethogram was modified from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums [50].