Table 3.
Runtime comparison of different sRNA-seq web applications
Demo Dataset | Oasis 2 (total) 1 | Oasis (total)1 | MAGI (total) |
Chimira (total) |
omiRas | mirTools7 2.0 | sRNAtoolbox |
AD (287 GB)4 |
8 h31m50s | 12h29m12s | NA2 | NA4 | NA5 | NA | NA |
Psoriasis (48 GB) |
1h35m17s | 5h49m4s | 48h3 | 3h3m12s | NA6 | NA | NA |
Renal Cancer (9 GB) |
31m43s | 1h8m41s | 8h3 | 47m11s | 9h31m | NA | NA |
1Run time estimate includes the data compression and decompression, the sRNA Detection, DE Analysis, and Classification. 2 We could not get MAGI to upload all AD files. Most probably it has a problem with the quality or format of one of the files. 3 These values were obtained from the MAGI website. 4 Chimira does not support the analysis of more than 25 files at a time, which prohibited us from getting runtime estimates for the AD dataset. 5 omiRas did not finish uploading files, which prohibited us from getting runtime estimates for the AD dataset. 6 omiRas http uploading error. 7 We cannot compare the runtime of mirTools 2.0 as maximum file size to upload is limited to 30 Mb. The sRNAtoolbox web application has been non-functional since 30/05/2017, which prohibited any runtime comparison (