Figure 3.
Phenotypes of osmads1-z and osmads1-z osmads5-3 mutants. A and H, Spikelets of osmads1-z (A) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 (H) at stage In9. B to D and I to K, The whole lemma and palea were removed in osmads1-z (C) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 (J) spikelets with type II phenotype; half the lemma, palea, and additional lemma/palea-like organs were removed in osmads1-z (B) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 (I) spikelets with type I phenotype; and half the lemma and palea were removed in osmads1-z (D) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 (K) spikelets with type III phenotype to show the inner floral organs at stage In9. E, F, L, and M, Transverse section of osmads1-z with type I phenotype (E) and type II phenotype (F) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 with type I phenotype (L) and type II phenotype (M) at stage In9 showing the defects in spikelets. G and N, Diagrammatic representations of osmads1-z (G) and osmads1-z osmads5-3 (N) spikelets. alo, additional lemma/palea-like organ; glo, extra glume-like second whorl organ; le, lemma; lo, lodicule; m1, osmads1-z; m5, osmads5-3; pa, palea; pi, pistil; sl, sterile lemma; st, stamen; sti, stigma. Bars = 2 mm (A–D and H–K) and 200 µm (E, F, M, and N).