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. 2015 Oct 8;52:0046958015609607. doi: 10.1177/0046958015609607

Table 1.

Predictors of Awareness of the ACA and Application Assistance Among Low-Income Adults.

Variable Heard or read a lot or some about the ACA (n = 2794)
Received application assistance from navigator/social worker
(n = 1107)
Full model
Full model
% of sample OR Pred. prob. (%) OR Pred. prob. (%) % of sample OR Pred. prob. (%) OR Pred. prob. (%)
 Latino 15.4 0.68*** 38.5 0.69** 38.8 13.4 1.06 40.5 1.75* 49.4
 White 62.0 1.00 48.0 1.00 47.8 62.2 1.00 39.1 1.00 36.4
 Black 18.6 0.92 46.0 0.96 46.8 20.1 0.96 38.2 1.22 40.9
 Other 4.0 1.09 50.1 1.09 49.8 4.3 0.74 32.1 0.88 33.6
 Arkansas 33.4 0.95 43.4 35.8 1.49 37.3
 Kentucky 33.4 1.30* 50.8 36.7 2.33*** 48.0
 Texas 33.2 1.00 44.6 27.5 1.00 28.7
 19-34 43.6 0.95 47.0 43.0 0.67* 36.1
 35-44 19.8 0.84 44.2 21.4 0.72 37.6
 45-54 16.0 0.84 44.2 16.1 0.78 39.5
 55-64 20.6 1.00 48.3 19.5 1.00 45.4
Other demographics
 Female 57.0 0.98 46.0 64.3 0.99 38.7
 Spanish interview 5.3 1.24 51.1 4.9 1.12 41.3
 Rural 41.9 0.79** 42.9 44.8 1.08 39.7
 No high school degree 22.7 0.46*** 37.3 22.6 0.99 37.5
 High school graduate 43.3 0.59*** 43.3 44.2 1.11 40.2
 Some college 34.0 1.00 56.1 33.2 1.00 37.7
 Under 50% FPL 31.0 0.80 45.1 35.6 1.02 37.1
 50%-100% FPL 37.2 0.81 45.5 36.0 1.31 42.9
 100%-138% FPL 24.3 1.00 50.6 21.8 1.00 36.6
 Income missing 7.5 0.66* 40.5 6.6 0.84 32.8

Note. Total sample size = 2801. Analysis of ACA awareness excluded 7 individuals who chose not to answer that item (n = 2794). Only respondents who said they had applied for Medicaid or marketplace coverage were asked whether they received application assistance (n = 1107). Unadjusted models controlled for race/ethnicity. Full models added state of residence, age, gender, Spanish language survey, rural versus urban residence, education level, and income as covariates. We calculated predicted probabilities from the logistic regression estimates using Stata’s “margins” command with default settings, which holds all covariates at their actual values. ACA = Affordable Care Act; OR = odds ratios from multivariate logistical regression; Pred. prob. = predicted probability; FPL = federal poverty level.


P < .10. **P < .05. ***P < .01.

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