Activity prediction features.
Feature | Description |
lastSensorEventHours+* | Hour of day for current event |
lastSensorEventSeconds+* | Seconds since the beginning of the day for the current event |
windowDuration+* | Window duration (sec) |
timeSinceLastSensorEvent+* | Seconds since previous event |
prevDominantSensor1+* | Most frequent sensor in the previ- ous window |
prevDominantSensor2+* | Most frequent sensor in the win- dow before that |
lastSensorID+* | Current event sensor |
lastLocation+* | Most recent location sensor |
sensorCount+** | Number of events in the window for each sensor |
sensorElTime+** | Time since each sensor fired |
timeStamp+* | Normalized time since beginning of the day |
laggedTimeStamps* | Previous event timeStamps |
laggedPredictions*** | Previous event predictions |
timeSinceLastPrediction**** | Time since previous predictions |
maximumValue# | Maximum value of sensor |
minimumValue# | Minimum value of sensor |
sum# | Sum of sensor values |
mean# | Mean of sensor values |
meanAbsoluteDeviation# | Average difference from mean |
medianAbsoluteDeviation# | Avg. difference from median |
standardDeviation# | Value standard deviation |
coeffVariation# | Coefficient of value variation |
numZeroCrossings# | Number of median crossings |
percentiles# | Number below which a percent- age of values fall |
sqSumPercentile# | Sq. sum values < percentile |
interQuartileRange# | Difference between 25th and 75th percentiles |
binCount# | Values binned into 10 bins |
skewness# | Symmetry of values |
kurtosis# | Measure of value “peakedness” |
signalEnergy# | Sum of squares of values |
logSignalEnergy# | Sum of logs of squares |
signalPower# | SignalEnergy average |
peakToPeak# | Maximum - minimum |
avgTimeBetweenPeaks# | Time between local maxima |
numPeaks# | Number of peaks |
Used for activity recognition.
Local features Ψlocal, one of each.
Local features Ψlocal, one sensorCount and one sensorElTime for each sensor used.
Context features Ψcontext, one per activity per context spot.
Context feature Ψcontext, one per context spot.
Based on window of recent values for each sensor.