Figure 2.
Effect sizes. Effects of GE maize hybrids on grain yield and damaged ears (a), grain quality (b), target organism (Diabrotica spp.) and non-target organisms (c) and biomass decomposition (d). Effect size was calculated by weighted Hedge’s g (g+). Bars around the means indicate 95% bootstrap confidence intervals (CIs). A mean effect size is significantly different from zero when its 95% CI does not overlap zero. Positive and negative g+ imply an increase and decrease in the trait compared with the maize isoline, respectively. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of observations for each trait. In (c) when not specified, target and non-target organism(s) are considered as adult insects. SS = single event hybrid; DS = double stacked hybrid; TS = triple stacked hybrid; QS = quadruple stacked hybrid; ADF = Acid Detergent Fiber; NDF = Neutral Detergent Fiber; TDF = Total Detergent Fiber.