Table 1.
Results From Linear Regression Analysis Depicting the Association Between PRSSZ (PGC PT < .3) and Schizotypal Traits in the ASPIS Subsample (N = 121) at Military Induction (Stressed Condition) and at Follow-Up (Nonstressed Condition)
Schizotypal Trait | Stressed Condition | Nonstressed Condition | ||
Beta | P value | Beta | P value | |
PAS | −.217 | .016 | −.005 | .986 |
POS | −.160 | .065 | −.004 | .998 |
NEG | .073 | .419 | −.024 | .789 |
DIS | −.097 | .274 | −.046 | .630 |
PAR | −.072 | .433 | −.120 | .195 |
Note: Standardized regression coefficients are reported and nominally significant differences at P < .05 (2-sided) are shown in bold. Analyses are controlled for age, years of education, and population stratification principal components. PAS, Perceptual Aberration Scale; POS, SPQ positive factor; NEG, SPQ negative factor; DIS, SPQ disorganization factor; PAR, SPQ paranoid factor.