Figure 5.
Thousand‐grain weight difference in benzovindiflupyr treatments versus untreated check under controlled (filled bars) and natural (hatched bars) drought stress conditions during the reproductive period. The application rate of benzovindiflupyr was 30 (gray bars) or 75 g ai ha‐1 (filled or hatched black bars). The application timing (BBCH) is given at the top of the bars. Tested variants (in bold) were (location, country, year): Borgo Santo Pietro, IT, 2015 (15); Dongargaone, India, 2015 (3, 18); Dongargaone, India, 2016 (17); Fogia, Italy, 2015 (1, 19); Kaha, Egypt, 2014 (5, 7); Kaha, Egypt, 2015 (6, 9); Kaha, Egypt, 2016 (8); Mandleshwar, India, 2016 (12); Marsiliana, Italy, 2015 (20); Matinez (var. Baguette 601), Argentina, 2014 (4, 13); Matinez (var. SI100), Argentina, 2014 (2, 11); Sanwer, India, 2016 (10); Woodland, USA, 2014 (14, 16). Mean with the upper and lower limits of the 95% confidence interval are shown on the right (paired t‐test with P ≤ 0.01; n = 20).