Figure 1.
A, Flow diagram outlining the proposed workflow for hyperpolarized 13C dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a two‐dimensional Echo planar trajectory. The phase correction coefficients α and β can be searched for in individual images, for example the image with the highest signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), or in summed images from the entire time series. The individual slice phase correction coefficients are then applied to the corresponding slices in the other images in the dynamic acquisition. B, Echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence for 13C imaging. The 13C reference scan used the same sequence, except that the phase‐encoding gradients were turned off. The same gradients for the 13C reference scan were also used for the 1H reference scan. C, EPI sequence for 13C imaging with integrated reference echoes. Three reference echoes, without phase‐encoding gradients, were acquired before the regular acquisition train, with a refocusing lobe in between. RF, radiofrequency