ERβ-EGFP neurons are neuroendocrine neurons in the rostral but not caudal portions of the PVN. Confocal photomicrographs of a female ERβ-EGFP mouse showing the distribution of fluorogold (neuroendocrine) neurons in the rostral (a–d), middle (e–h), and caudal (i–l) portions of the PVN of ERβ-EGFP brain slices (n = 3–4/sex). EGFP was detected using an anti-GFP antibody. Fluorogold neurons were filled via subcutaneous injection of FG 5 days prior to euthanasia and harvesting the brain. Bar graph (m) represent the mean percentage colocalization of FG in ERβ-EGFP-ir neurons in the rPVN, mPVP, and rPVN of male and female mice. % colocalization = number of FG positive cells/total number of ERβ-EGFP-ir × 100. Data are expressed as mean percentage ± SEM. All high-power images (dotted line box) (d, h, l) have a scale bar = 10 μm. Scale bars for all other images = 50 μm. 3V, Third ventricle. Arrowheads show examples of dual labeled cells [Color figure can be viewed at]