Overview of measurement and sampling locations for the Bagnold dune campaign. (a) A stretched red, green, blue simulated true color image from HiRISE ESP_044172_1755, indicating the rover path and locations of in situ study at Namib and High Dunes. The image was acquired on Curiosity sol 1207 with the rover next to Namib dune. The inset shows the Curiosity rover at the lee face of Namib dune. (b) The Gobabeb locality at Namib dune where dune sands were disrupted by a wheel scuff, scooped, sieved, and discarded for a coordinated suite of measurements with the rover compositional instruments. This is a mosaic of MAHLI images acquired on sols 1228 and 1241. The rover wheel width is approximately 40 cm, and the scoop widths are approximately 4 cm; the robotic arm is not visible because the camera, which acquired the mosaic, is on the arm.