Analyses of apoptotic pathway in the cortex of Tc1 mice injected with amyloid-β [25-35] (Aβ25-35) peptide. Wildtype (WT) or Tc1 mice were administered intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections with scrambled peptide (Sc.Aβ) or Aβ25-35 peptide (9 nmol) and sacrificed 10 days after injection. The levels of pro-apoptotic proteins, Bax (a) and Bim (b), and anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-W (c) and Bcl-XL (d), were assessed by Western blot in the cortical protein lysates. Typical blots are shown in (e). The number of animals per group is indicated below the columns. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): F(1,26)=0.477, p>0.05 for the genotype, F(1,26)=4.43, p<0.05 for the treatment, F(1,37)=4.54, p<0.05 for the interaction in (a); F(1,36)=0.302, p>0.05 for the genotype, F(1,36)=0.649, p>0.05 for the treatment, F(1,36)=1.40, p>0.05 for the interaction in (b); F(1,32)=10.2, p<0.01 for the genotype, F(1,32)=1.33, p>0.05 for the treatment, F(1,32)=0.432, p>0.05 for the interaction in (c); F(1,35)=12.3, p<0.01 for the treatment, F(1,35)=0.181, p>0.05 for the genotype, F(1,35)=0.719, p>0.05 for the interaction in (d). *p<0.05; **p<0.01 vs same genotype Sc.Aβ-treated mice; #p<0.05 vs same treatment WT mice; Bonferroni’s test.