Injection sites. A, Normalized coordinates of the injection sites in A25 on medial surface of the rhesus monkey PFC. B, Coronal sections show deposit of BDA in deep layers of MPAll and all layers of posterior medial A25 (Case BR). C, Coronal sections show deposit of LY in deep and upper layers of anterior medial A25 (Case BS). D, Normalized coordinates of the injection sites in A25 on the orbital (basal) surface of the rhesus monkey PFC. E, Coronal sections show deposit of FE in all layers of anterior orbital A25 (Case BU). F, Coronal sections show deposit of FB in all layers of anterior orbital A25 (Case BP). G, There was no relationship between the size of the injection site and the number of labeled neurons in cortex. Scale bars, 1 mm. Arrowheads indicate injection sites. ac, Anterior commissure; All, allocortex; cd, caudate; cg, cingulate sulcus; gr, gyrus rectus; lot, lateral olfactory tract; mo, medial orbital sulcus; olf, olfactory nuclei; o, olfactory sulcus; ro, rostral sulcus.